Friday, January 16, 2009


I. Am. Pathetic.

It all started with dinner in front of the television (the hubs was working late). Wouldn't you know there was an unbelievable CSI on that I just couldn't turn off? Which of course ended up being a "To Be Continued" episode, with the next episode being the sequel. Of course I have already watched the first half, so at this point I am dedicated to solving the crime. So I TiVo Greys and Private Practice, solved the mystery, and then watched every Tivo'd show! I had planned on catching up on some extra Zzz's but was in a TV addiction trance. Even when the hubs went to bed, I barely moved from my couch.


1 comment:

Dusty @AllThingsG+D said...

Oh how I've been there, lol!

Thanks for stumbling across my blog and leaving a note to let me know you were there! I'm so glad you like it! :D