Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Australia Day!

Today is Australia's Independence Day, or something similar to. Right now Alfie's family and friends downunder are celebrating their day off at the the beach and having a BarBQ party, or sitting courtside watching the talent of Federer and Nadal swinging their raquets at the Australian Open. All of which is being done with a beer in one hand (or both).

Point in case-true blue aussies

School here has been canceled (yeah! snow day!) due to the ice storm that hits OK every year. So we will be joining them, via tv on the couch, but still with a beer, to watch the next big match tonight. I even made brownies for the occassion. However after tasting them, they would be more comparable to bread with a chocolate flavor. I have never really thought of myself as a terrible baker, but man, these were ugly. Even with a box mix. Messing up these brownies reminds me of the last time I ruined them. We were visiting the inlaws a several years back, and I wanted to make a good impression so I offered to cook a "traditional" American meal. This included brownies (they are a favorite of mine as you can tell) for dessert. But they were horrible! I could not figure out the grams for measuring or the Celcius for cooking! Converting in math was never a priority. I saw no reason to pay attention to a measuring system I would never need to use. Hindsight is 20/20.

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