Saturday, February 19, 2011


We went on an early morning walk the other day, and decided to stop at the park. Annabelle is starting to get the hang of the swings and actually really enjoys them. But when I go to pull out my phone she stops smiling and gives me one of these special looks. I almost enjoy them more then her smiles- almost.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Can you come to visit please? I have a while list of projects to keep you bored. Such as:
- fixing the garage doors
- fixing the back gate
- put the post back up on our house
- fix the wet drywall
- a new roof
I'm sure by the time you get here I could have some more on the list. You can come before or after Spain, whichever works best for you. Oh and while you are here maybe you guys could help get this little munchkin to eat her food

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


The weather was the perfect day for the park today, no snow on the ground! And Annabelle loves being outside, must have been why she cried the whole way home

Sunday, February 13, 2011


GeoTagged, [N35.57371, E97.56290]

Just after her bath. Those cheeks are all daddy

Blogging made easy

So maybe I will blog more now that I can upload photos and do it all from my phone. We'll see.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

We're Back!

where to begin? its been so long! so lets start with a few photos. Australia was great. it was wet, but fun. annabelle was able to play at the beach because she was starting to sit up on her own! this is really the first time she did it. we have a ton of photos!

this is us at bells beach watching the surfers.

we take this shot every time with the year

my favorite beach on great ocean road- possibly anywhere

the famous "12 apostles" alf's eyes are closed, but lets pretend they arent. (one day i will be so good at photoshop this wont be an issue, or my big arms)its the only picture we took because the rain clouds were once again moving in and we still had much to see.

the most gorgeous wine vineyard. yep it was raining-again. but at least the usual 5$fee to tour the gardens was waved. i'm sure they thought we were crazy. i tried to capture the beauty, but the whole time i kept thinking "if only amy where here" she would have been able to do it

i drank way too many of these, along with fresh croissants- if you know me, you know i have a problem with my love for those flaky pastries

annabelle was spoiled by family

played with friends

and dress up

(santa's helper) btw- this was going to be a "happy new years" card, since we didnt do christmas ones, but then jet lag happened. whoops!

and we even managed to see some friends

sorry i am looking weird

be back with more later!