Thursday, January 28, 2010

Going for reassurance

but it didn't quite work out that way. after i uploaded the belly shot last night and took another look at it, i still couldn't believe i was that big! i mean i am tall people! and after going to the gym and watching what i am eating, giving into cravings rarely, i have a hard time seeing the scale jump. thus, i made Alfie take another pic, with me wearing the shirt i had worn to work. he was getting frustrated at this point, telling me i look beautiful, relax, you're pregnant... yadda, yadda. but i was convinced he had taken it at a bad angle or the lighting was off. needless to say, what i had intended as reassurance turned out to be more of an eye opener! i really do have a bump, and now when my long-distance friends ask, i know i have to truthfully answer yes, and not "just a small pooch" like i had been saying! sorry guys! it was an unintentional lie.

1 comment:

leah @maritalbless said...

You look amazing, so that must have been why you kept requesting additional pictures? :)