Saturday, October 23, 2010

we have grass!

This is huge! with two boxers and no sprinklers we had given up. But then annabelle came around, she's going to need an outdoor space of her own that is poop free-complete with a tree swing.

So we had Chris build a fence on one side of the house for the dogs. what is now lush green grass was all dirt not long ago.
Then Dimmi came and put in a french drain. You can see it to the left side of Boston.
The grass was looking so good i was inspired me to plant some fall flowers
I even planted some tulips (my favorite flower) in the pots, with the pansies. I totally copied Chesapeake, they have the most gorgeous tulip/Pansie combo in the spring. I couldnt pull out the geranium though- can you see it about to bloom?? i decided she could stay for that last flower's sake.
My new backyard wouldnt have been complete for the season without a pumpkin. I think my backyard now looks much better than my front yard.

1 comment:

the garrett family said...

your backyard looks GREAT!!!