Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Well, not yet... but the good news is we are finally done with the testing!! Yeah!! Which means, we could be there very soon. We are going be doing three rounds of IUI, due to my man hating vagina. The doctor did find some other things in the tubes, but did what could, and apparently doesn't think the rest is a problem. I start on clomid tomorrow. I will use a OPK to detect ovulation. That is the part that makes me nervous, pressure is on to read those colors. I will let them know when I see the color change, and we will go in the next day and fingers crossed, come out pregnant!!

I read that the first artificial insemination was done in 1908 using a donor sperm, which turned out to be the doctor that performed the procedure. He did not tell the husband until the wife became pregnant, and then they both decided not to tell the wife what had happened. Could this really be true?? I am skeptical. But, I do like the fact that it has been successful for over 100 years.

Anyone know anyone that has had a similar experience???


ezza said...

haha! i love it! when people ask me, i tell them it is pretty much like basting a turkey!! who knew! thanks for the encouragement!

Baby Mama said...

Oh I am so excited for you! Good luck, I'll be praying